Role | Editor, Co-Director, Cinematographer

2022 | Documentary Feature

Long Live My Happy Head

“Funny, poignant, and profound, Long Live My Happy Head introduces us to the unique talent, understated wit, and unenviable journey of Gordon Shaw, a Scottish comic book artist who is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in his early 30s. Not the least bit self-pitying but with puckish humor and admirable honesty, Gordon allows the film to accompany him and his long-distance true love Shawn—a sweet American living in Virginia—as they navigate the fragile rollercoaster of health challenges and caregiving amid the onset of COVID.

Gordon’s understated bemusement and inherent comic brilliance leaven the medical scenario with surprising moments that illuminate the realities of living with a terminal illness. In one scene, Gordon turns the relentless, overbearing sounds of an MRI scanner into a danceable soundtrack. Through his smart and funny artwork, Gordon finds an imaginative way to communicate what he’s feeling inside. Despite the ominous subject matter, this brave and somehow inspiring film shines light and love into a world immersed in intense human challenges.” - Frameline Film Festival


A bit about the process

I spent 4 years making this film alongside Austen McCowan, over this time we became close friends with Gordon and I deeply miss him. The film is my proudest work and I am so pleased to have done it. Everyone involved in the production gave it their all, Alexander Hamilton-Ayres with the original soundtrack, Ross Hogg with the animation and Barbara Toennieshen with the edit, it was working with Barbara that inspired me to pursue doc editing as my main outlet.


Winner - Documentary & Specialist Factual

Royal Television Society Scotland

Winner - Best Original Composition

Music + Sound Awards 2022

Winner - Best Love Story

Reelout Queer Film Festival, The Betty Berghout Memorial Award

Nomination - Feature Documentary

Celtic Media Festival

Winner - Best Editing

The New Haven Documentary Film Festival, Golden Slice Award


Little White Lies

BBC News

Pink News

The Film Magazine

POV Magazine

The Guardian

Film Festivals

BFI Flare | 2022

UK, London

World Premiere

Official Selection

Thessaloniki Documentary Festival | 2022

Greece, Thessaloniki

International Premiere

Official Selection

Frameline | 2022

USA, San Francisco

North American Premiere

Official Selection

SANDS International Film Festival | 2022

Scotland, St Andrews

Scottish Premiere

Official Selection

Washington West Film Festival | 2022

USA, Washington

Official Selection

Official Selection

Q Fest | 2022

USA, Wisconsin

Official Selection

New Haven Documentary Film Festival | 2022

USA, Connecticut

Official Selection

Windsor International Film Festival | 2022

Canada, Windsor

Canadian Premiere

Official Selection

Portland Queer Film Festival | 2022

USA, Portland

Official Selection

Global Health Film Festival | 2022

UK, London

Official Selection

First Fortnight | 2023

Ireland, Dublin

Official Selection

Reelout Queer Film Festival | 2023

Kingston, Canada

Official Selection

Brain Film Festival | 2023

Spain, Barcelona

Spanish Premiere

Official Selection

Festival Imagésanté | 2023

Liège, Belgium

Belgium Premiere

Official Selection

Global Health Film Days | 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark

Danish Premiere

Official Selection

Rainbow Visions Film Festival | 2023

Edmonton, Canada

Official Selection

Oak Cliff Film Festival | 2023

Dallas, USA

Official Selection

Fairy Tales Presentation Society | 2023

Calgary, Canada

Official Selection

MIX CPH LGBTQIA+ Film Festival | 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark

Official Selection

Lobocine Science New Wave | 2024

New York, USA

Official Selection

Asia South Pacific Premiere

Official Selection

Doc Edge Festival | 2022

New Zealand, Wellington

German Premiere

Official Selection

B3 Biennial | 2022


Harmonic Spectrum