Role | Editor (Broadcast version), Online Editor

2022 | Documentary Feature

Distributors | Cosmic Cat

The Hermit of Treig

“Ken Smith has spent the past four decades living in a log cabin nestled near Loch Treig, known as 'the lonely loch', not too far from Fort William. He has no electricity or running water. He lives off the land, fishing for his supper, chopping wood, and even brewing his own tipple. Director Lizzie MacKenzie has known Ken since 2012 and filmed him through changing seasons and challenging health problems. Her warm, captivating documentary, fondly celebrates a man in the wilderness and records the friendship that has grown between them.” - Glasgow Film

A bit about the process

I was handed the feature length cut of ‘The Hermit of Treig’ and tasked as an Editor to re-cut it down to 60’ for broadcast. It was a joy to do and the 60’ version went on to win the Scottish BAFTA for ‘Best Single Documentary’. I’ve also travelled out to Ken’s remote cabin as a camera op with Melt the Fly.


Winner - Audience Award

Glasgow Film Festival

Winner - Best Single Documentary

BAFTA Scotland


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